zaterdag 1 januari 2011

New Years Resolutions

Happy 2011 everyone! I hope you had a nice evening and celebrated it in a good way. This new year also brings the all famous "new years resolutions". We all have them....altho I do find it a weird thing. When I want to change or do something in my life I do not wait for a new year to come up and begin doing what I wanted to do. I plan to do it right away. If I wanted to loose weight and I think about it somewhere in March, I will not wait 9 months or longer to begin! know what I mean  :-)
I do have a few things on my resolution-list for 2011 that I want to work on. It's not a long list, but that gives me more energy to complete these resolutions in a good way. Here they come:
  1. Save up enough money, so I can go on a far away holiday in 2012. 
  2. Quit buying so much clothes/ shoes! I need to learn more how I can mix and match with the nice stuff that I already have laying around. 
  3. Keeping up my healthy way of life by keep on eating healthy and stay in shape. I lost a lot of kilo's this year and I need to keep it of!
  4. Find a sport that fits me and makes me feel happy and complete it all in my life. I hope the running class will be the good fit for me.  
Well...these are the important goals that I want to achieve in 2011. And I already started on these achievements in 2010. Do you have new years resolutions?