donderdag 30 december 2010

Into The Wild - Theatrical Trailer

Oh my gosh.....this must be one of the most inspirational, emotional and beautiful movies that I have ever seen! It was in the Belgian channel last night and it took my breath away...I have cried so many tears. Go watch it if you haven't seen it yet! 


zondag 19 december 2010


My secret santa girl finally received my package in the mail :-D 
She posted some pictures on:
Ana, I hope you liked all the presents I send to you...enjoy! And a merry christmas to you!

zondag 12 december 2010

My 'arteriffic' hero


My friend told me about this German brand. She had bought a really cute shirt from this brand, and I had a look on the website. And I would like to share the website with all of you. I like their bags!

vrijdag 10 december 2010

I want to explore the world...

I want to travel more...see something of the world. I want to meet new cultures and interesting people. I miss traveling!! I am already saving up money for a far holiday. My goal is to have enough cash by the end of 2011 and book my trip in the beginning of 2012. I hope it works out! Well...I have more then 12 months to make it work!

 I really cannot wait!

dinsdag 7 december 2010

Fashion blogger inspiration.

Most of you blog readers must have a favorite blogger who you like to keep hold of. I also got a few, and I thought it would be a nice moment to show which girls are my inspiration. 

One of my all time favorite is

I love her style! Her blog has given me some really good fashion inspiration! I check her blog twice a week. It's a pity I can't read anything that is been said on there :-)) But there are enough pictures of her outfits to watch. 
I have to admit that I love the blogs from the Scandinavian girls the most. They are such stylish girls and they are so pretty. 

Another blog that I love to read is:

I like that she combines a lot of clothes that she already has. She shows us that you can wear a leather legging on tons of different ways. I like that. You don't have to buy tons of new stuff every time. Try to be creative with what you have....that is what this blog has learned me.

And last. but not least:

She shows us a peek in her life of fashion, travels, friends and sports. I like that! It is sometimes like a little diary. She is such a cutie!

Do you have a favorite blogger?

vrijdag 3 december 2010

Leopard love!

Snow & bubye glasses!

Yesterday I went to get my eyes operated by laser. It all went really well and I already see 80% without glasses! It's weird, but so cool! I am glad to be without my glasses. I had them since I was a child. I can't be on the computer too long because I need to relax my eyes...but I just needed to post a new blog before I go to bed and give my eyes some well deserved rest. 
The weather has been really cold the last few days. Yesterday more snow came by. I took some pix from my balcony.

 I am wearing sunglasses today, because the white snow and the sun that was shining  it was a bit too bright for my eyes at the moment. 

 I bought some bird food to hang on the balcony. They need some extra food to get through the winter.

My Ed Hardy winter boots come very handy today with this type of weather. I bought them last year at the Torrid website, and I have already enjoyed them last winter with the snowy weather. A good buy if you ask me :-)

There is bird number one for some good yummy "omnomnoms"  :-P

zondag 28 november 2010

New watch.

I am so happy with my new watch! I got it yesterday from my parents. It's from the brand 'Alessi'. I love this brand. They have a lot of cute stuff. I got the black one.
I will give you the website so you can see it for yourself:

vrijdag 26 november 2010


Winter is landed here in my little country and I hate it! I am freezing my ass of here!
I already bought a electric blanked for in bed and try to keep warm with hoodies, sweaters and warm sock. But today I stumbled online on this website: god! I want one!!!  

I especially love the skulls one. How awesome would it be to hang around in one of those PJ's in the house.

dinsdag 23 november 2010

Active outlet.

I just signed myself up for a running class for beginners. It will start in January 2011. I hope I will enjoy it! I need some positive and active outlet! This seems like a good one. Already looking forward to it (not to the muscle ache!) I have lost a lot of kilo's in the last year and I need to keep my body fit/happy/ and in shape and I need an active way to enjoy myself. 
I also have to look around for a running outfit that will not make me look like a complete fool and one that is not too flashy. Some good running shoes will be a good idea too! 

zondag 21 november 2010

Book worm

I love reading. It gives me the time to relax and not think of the daily things in life. 

I especially love my library here in town! It's big and all new. I always find a nice book there to take home and enjoy. 

And yesterday when I visited the library to get me a book I found "The Carrie Diaries"! I wanted to read it for a while, but I was not the only was gone before I could get my hands on it. But waiting for a bit helps :-) Now it is my time to read it.

"This book tells the story of Carrie Bradshaw (of sex and the City fame) during her teenage years as she is on the verge of leaving high school and going off to college, penned by the same author who created the infamous character in her original book Sex and the City that the hugely popular T.V series was based on". 

I have loved the Sex and the City series for ever. I still watch the episodes from time to time when I feel like it. Yesterday I even watched the Sex and the City 2 movie and I loved it! The movie gave me a big smile on my face and I needed that (I didn't feel that happy for a few days.....I guess it's a winter depression...). 
But I feel better now!
I will get my pj's on....get into bed with a cup of tea and start reading! 

A question for all of you....who is your favorite SATC character? Samantha is my favorite! 
And I have a HUGE crush on mr Big<3 he is so sexy! 


zondag 14 november 2010

Contest 2 win some cute 'Models Own' stuff.

My blog-friend Valerie from "Blog To Be Alive" is giving away some cute 'Models Own' stuff on her website. I would love to win too! Especially one of the cute nail polishes. Go to her blog and find out what you have to do to win some of the cute articles. 
Here is the link to her blog: 
May the best girl win! :-)

zondag 7 november 2010

Secret Santa

This year I am one of the many bloggers that is a member of the secret santa idea. I already did one last year with another group of ladies that I know from the Internet. And I really like the whole concept of it. It's great to receive a package from someone you never met, or from a person you have known for a long time. I love the big surprise that is behind it all.
I have a blogger that I need to buy some nice things for, and I am busy doing that.
I hope she will like the stuff that I bought for her :-) 
And I can't wait to receive my package from my secret santa! If you want to read more about it, and wich bloggers are participating in it, here's the link:

woensdag 3 november 2010

I have a shoe fetish...

Seriously....I just can't have enough shoes! I LOVE shoes!
Well...I also love clothes, bags, watches, earrings. Gosh, does this make me a typical girly girl? :-))
I wanted some cute boots to wear with leggings & jeans. And the boots that I found were too expensive, sold out in my size *boo!* or were just not all that I wanted. 
Now I found a cute pair by 'Blowfish', and they are on their way to my house by mail! I am looking forward to it and I hope they are as cute as they look on the picture:

  Of course an update with pictures will follow soon!

dinsdag 2 november 2010

Back home!

Hello you all!

I am back from my trip to London. We had a lovely time together and I already miss being there.
We did tons of sightseeing, went out to dinner, enjoyed our quality time together and of course did some shopping. I bought some stuff at New Look, I just love that store. My feet were killing me after all the walking we did, but it was all worth it. We also went to 'Westfield shopping mall'...omg! What a great place! I recommend everyone to go there to shop! It's awesome!

Here are some pictures:

We used the subway everywhere we go.

 Us, in front of Buckingham Palace.

 Donuts @ Camden Town.

 The best falaffel I have eaten!

Us, in front of the Big Ben.

donderdag 28 oktober 2010

London Calling

Tomorrow, me and my boyfriend will be going to London till Monday! 
I am really looking forward to it! Sightseeing, shopping, making some pictures and just enjoy some quality time together.
A update will follow when I am back!

vrijdag 22 oktober 2010

Meet 'Fred'.


Meet 'Fred'....I found him on the street when I came home. The poor thing wasn't able to fly anymore, and he was emaciated. I caught him (although he fladdered away) and took him to our bird shelter, where they will give him the care he needs to. I hope Fred will get better soon! 

woensdag 20 oktober 2010


Everyone over here is walking on UGGS....for the last 3 years they have been taking over the country and I am fed up with UGGS!
Even the fake ones are a big hit, they are so even walk next to the sole! urgh..
So that is why I made it my project to find me other nice warm boots for the winter, and two years ago it was the Ed Hardy snow boots from Torrid (and everyone asked me where I got them).
And now I fell in love with these!: 

I can't wait to receive them! I will be so more stylish then every chick over here on their UGGS!