dinsdag 28 september 2010

Knitted hats and cute checked shirts.

With fall around the corner, it's time for all us fashion lovers to shop for some cute clothes to keep us warm and. I have been in love with the checked shirts for a while, but I could not find a pair that suited my style..
Last week I was shopping at the 'V&D' (a Dutch store) and fell in love with these studded pair of checked shirt! 
Everyone that knows me knows that I am into studs, leopard and skulls. So this shirt really suited me the most. 
It's great and it will look lovely on a pair of jeans or on a skirt. 

The knitted hat I bought two weeks ago at HEMA. I like that it's a oversized pair....you can put your hair in it or just wear it like I am doing on the picture. Cute little haul for my second post on here! :-) 

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